Neurodegenerative Diseases

ABM wireless EEG systems are easy to use, mobile and comfortable, offering researchers and clinicians high quality data acquisitions to help asset and diagnose.
Ongoing or Completed ABM Studies

Mild Cognitive Impairment
Exploratory resting state and event related EEG biomarkers for MCI

Alzheimer’s Disease & Mild Cognitive Impairment
Cross-sectional comparisons resting state EEG/fMRI/PET biomarkers for AD & MCI

Parkinson’s Disease and Lewy Body Dementia
Cross-sectional comparisons resting state EEG/fMRI/PET biomarkers for PD

Frontotemporal Dementia
Exploratory resting state EEG biomarkers for FTD behavioral and aphasia variants

Huntington’s Disease
Evaluation of investigational therapy using resting state EEG biomarker

Mood Disorders
Evaluation of investigational therapy using event related EEG biomarker

Metrics to Assess Mood Disorders

Collaboration with J&J to develop event related EEG-based biomarkers to assess mood disorders and efficacy of drug interventions.

Tasks included resting state, 3CVT and custom emotional faces task (EIR) task to measure neural responses to happy, sad and neutral stimuli.

Acquired and analyzed data to validate EIR task during a Phase I, first in man interventional clinical trial. Results supported expanded use of EIR in a follow on clinical assess efficacy of an interventional drug.

ERP - Event Related Potential

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